Winter 1: Week 2

<< MySims Winter 1: Week 1 — DITFT Winter 1: Week 1 >>

Last week Sam and Cora got married and found out they were having a child. Sam started a home business with the extra food he is always cooking. Let’s see what happens this week…

We start the week with Boxing Day after enjoying Winter Fest last week. They go to the flea market together and Sam tries another food from the stall and they play basketball together. They head home early as Sam has work today.

Cora goes into labor while Sam is at work. He’s not sure he can get off work to be at the birth. He will try though, and Cora heads to the hospital.

Cora gets to the hospital to check in and Sam is not able to get here so she will do this together with the help of her doctor – Justice Watkins.

IT’S A BOY! Welcome to the world little Dalton James! They will call him DJ for short.

Cora stole something while at the hospital having her baby. She stole this eye chart poster.

Did she really have time while in labor to steal a poster off the wall!?! LOL

Sam and Cora decorated the nursery for their son DJ. Isn’t this a cute room!

*I wish they had a water theme stuffed animal but sadly they don’t…

Sam got a promotion on the culinary branch to head caterer.
Cora was promoted too, she’s level 3 of the secret agent career.

Cora and Sam are so much in love and love to spend time together. They miss each other when they are apart.

Sam spending some time with his son DJ. The two are very close and Sam loves to spend time with DJ whenever he can.

Sam is out for another meal, this time alone. He is trying some new experimental recipes.

Dalton James (DJ) is an infant now. He is a calm little guy and loves to watch everyone and everything. He is frequently sneezing or hiccupping. He’s a messy eater sometimes too.

Cora is helping DJ learn to lift his head and spend time on his belly. He loves being able to see around more.

Sam and DJ spending time together and they are so cute together.

Sam takes DJ with him to the city and eats some Pufferfish Nigiri so he can learn to make this too. They watch a musician perform and DJ just loves the music and seeing all the interesting things around him. Sam enjoys seeing the wonder on DJ’s little face!

Cora got another promotion at work. She’s now level 4 of the secret agent career. Great Job!

DJ learns to creep!

DJ plays with toys… Sam likes to take a lot of photos of his little boy!

DJ learns to sit up with the help of Cora. He loves the freedom he has to move around now.

DJ is a messy guy but he loves to eat different foods. He really likes to eat his dad’s homemade mashed peas.

Sam is with DJ when he learns to crawl for the first time. It’s such a big moment for them both. Time to baby proof the house more. DJ is into everything now.

New Year’s Eve is here! Sam and Cora decorate the house for the occasion.

Cora is at work today and DJ is at daycare so Sam heads to the city for some food from the stalls there. Before heading to work himself.

Cora celebrates New Year’s Eve on her own with DJ as Sam is working late tonight. Countdown was fun for Cora anyway!

Sam puts DJ to bed when he arrives home after midnight.

Sam is celebrating his birthday before the end of the week here with him. He’s becoming an adult.

The week with Sam is over. Sam and Cora are happy parents of Dalton James (DJ). Let’s look at the progress made on the requirements, and then it’s time to move to the next family. We’ll be back to this family in round 3!

  • Reach level 10 of the culinary career – Level 6/10
  • Complete Experimental Food collection 11/20
  • Complete Masterchef Aspiration Level 3/4
  • Unlock 27 city living food stall recipes 14/27
  • Max Skills:
    • Cooking Level 8
    • Baking Level 8
    • Gourmet Cooking Level 6
    • Mixology Level 5

Winter 1: Week 1

<< Career Fall 1: Week 2 — MySims Winter 1: Week 2 >>

We’re back with Sam Collector and his girl friend Cora who moved in with him last chapter. They are both up at 4am, Sam is watching cooking on the tv while Cora is chatting online.

After getting some more sleep, Sam gets up to eat breakfast leftovers. He’s happy for a little bit of quiet time this morning.

Sam sold a few items that he no longer needed in order to afford a mixer so he can make dough and other prep for his amazing food. He’s so excited to try it out, that he makes some cookies and bread before the day gets going.

*** I didn’t have Home chef last round but now I do, so you will see him using some of these items. I haven’t really had much reason to use this pack in other games so this was fun!

Sam takes Cora for a walk in the neighborhood to a beautiful spot they like to sit and talk. Today, Sam proposes to Cora instead of just talking. She says yes! They make sure a cute couple!

Woohoo as an engaged couple that evening.

Next day, Sam is out exploring the city again. He stops at the produce stand, he loves to buy fresh produce when he’s here. He tries another food off his list, he really likes Samosas. And he watches Dani playing violin, she’s really good!

Cora got a promotion at her secret agent career.

Sam and Cora hosts a dinner party to let their friends know about their engagement. Everyone was super happy for the couple and enjoyed the meal of spinach frittata. Cora spends time talking with Sam’s friends and hoping they will be her friends too in the future. They all seem to enjoy her company too.

End to the fun evening with another round of woohoo.

It’s Lottery day! I had Cora and Sam both buy tickets, unfortunately they didn’t win but at least it’s not an animal that’s getting the money this time!

Sam uses his savings to purchase a chef station to sell some of his bake goods and meals. Sam makes so many meals that him and Cora can’t eat everything. He really likes to cook or bake so he thinks a store would help get rid of the extra food.

Sam opens up the shop for the first time, and some familiar faces are the first to show up. Kiana and Austin are here and so is Miles. Many faces that we recognize has come out the try his food and many others. Sam ends up making 302 dollars in sales his first day. He will open the shop when he has free time between his work and other tasks. He’s has even more excitement to get cooking again so he can share his food with others.

The money made from the shop let Sam take Cora out for a date to a fancy restaurant. He tries some new food again from the experimental list.

Cora takes a pregnancy test as she’s feeling like it’s possible with all the fun they have been having lately.

The test is positive and Cora is upset, she was really hoping it was a negative. She wants kids but not this early in their relationship. She wants to wait longer but now that won’t happen. She’s not sure how Sam will take the news. She decides to tell him as soon as she can.

Cora sits down with Sam and tells him about the pregnancy. He is happy about this and wants to understand why she is not. They have a long talk about Cora’s concerns and feelings. Sam agrees that it wasn’t planned to bring a child into their lives quite yet but he thinks that it’s going to work out ok. They are both settled in their careers, happy to be with each other and loving their home together. So a baby isn’t the worse thing.

Even though Cora is still nervous to be a mom, she’s feeling better now. She did ask that they get married sooner rather than later, she would rather not be showing before her wedding. Sam thinks that’s reasonable so they plan a quick little ceremony outside one evening.

Snow starts a few days earlier and it adds a little more quickness to their ceremony so that they don’t freeze out here. They have a cute little moment saying I do and head back into the warm house.

Before anyone knows it, Winterfest Eve arrives. Cora starts looking for decorations to put up in their little home.

Sam bakes cookies after breakfast, he’s hoping to share these cookies with friends and maybe the shop. If there is any left. All this cooking/baking, he completes another level of his milestone.

Sam and Cora decorate the tree in their backyard, they don’t have room in the house for a tree so it’s going to live outside for this year.

Spice Festival lands on Winterfest Eve, so Cora and Sam head over to try the spicy curry challenge, which Cora does on her first time. She even got the shirt to wear when she’s at the festival or any other time she wants.

Unfortunately, Sam didn’t have the same reaction to the challenge. He did not pass but he isn’t worried as he tries different food at the festival instead.

It is still early when Sam and Cora get home, so Sam opens the shop for a night sale before Winterfest. Many people show even though it’s later in the day.

They wake up to Winterfest! They open presents left under the tree. Sam gets a knife set and Cora got a telescope.

Cora and Sam also have gifts for each other that they have created. Sam made Cora her favorite cookies and Cora took some wonderful pictures of the area they love so much. She framed the best on and gave it to him. Both were happy with the thoughtful gifts.

Cora and Sam invited their friends over to celebrate this wonderful time of year with them. Cora and Sam had gifts for their friends, and couldn’t wait to hand those out as well.

Everyone loves surprise baked goods from Sam. They can never get enough!

Their friends stayed for dinner and enjoy each other company.

It was a great afternoon with friends but it was time for others to visit family and Sam was preparing to open up his shop too.

Cora spent some time using her telescope once she put it together. While Cora did this, Sam got his store front ready.

Sam did well making close to 350 dollars on Winterfest. Sam is happy to have some of the Winterfest treats gone from his house, they had more then they needed.

We see some more familiar faces visiting the store this time. Hazel and Dawn are showing their support for good food.

The week with Sam is over. Sam and Cora are now married and waiting for a child. We continued to build skills and work on promotions. Let’s look at the progress made on the requirements, there is still more to come in the second week with this family.

  • Reach level 10 of the culinary career – Level 5/10
  • Complete Experimental Food collection 8/20
  • Complete Masterchef Aspiration Level 3/4
  • Unlock 27 city living food stall recipes 5/27
  • Max Skills:
    • Cooking Level 7
    • Baking Level 7
    • Gourmet Cooking Level 4
    • Mixology Level 5

Fall 1: Week 2

<< MySims Fall 1: Week 1 — DITFT Fall 1: Week 1 >>

Last week Sam started working on his career, skills and finding a partner. He’s moving forward well in all these areas, let’s see how this week goes…

Sam heads over to the flea market and looks for deals. He doesn’t find any that he wants so he goes to the bubble blower.

Sam gets more food at the food stall and he doesn’t look too happy about it. It’s not the food that has him upset, it’s the bubble blower that caused him to be angry right now. He still learns a new recipes whether his mood is good or not.

Cora stops by for a visit with Sam. They talk a lot between their visits.

Sam has a present for her. He gave her homemade bread as he has like 10 loaves in the house from working on the baking skill. She loved it!

Sam and Cora had their first kiss and first woohoo this week. They are getting more in love every day they spend time together.

Cora was standing out back and something seemed off. So I watched her closely and POOF! the planter that was on the back porch was GONE! I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture of Cora swiping it.

Then I remembered that she’s a kleptomaniac so this would be typical behavior for her. I better watch her more closely while she visits the house.

Sam invited all his friends over for a night together. They were all excited to get together and enjoy their night off. Sam introduced Bjorn to his coworkers, Hilary and Dani.

Sam had gifts for each of them too. Just like Cora, he gave them each a loaf of bread that he made. Bjorn is the only one who wasn’t impressed with the gift.

Sam visits a restaurant and orders another of the experimental food and not sure he is enjoying this one very much. He kept turning his nose up or acting like something near by was stinky. Not sure if it was the food or not, but he ate it and got the picture.

Added the photo to the wall and I don’t believe I changed this one as I didn’t put a frame on it. I won’t be adding frames to the pictures so I can actually see the pictures of the food Sam has already ordered.

Harvest Fest has arrived! Sam decorates the house.

Sam offers gifts to the gnomes and most are happy except one. He didn’t like pie but he was happy after Sam pleaded with him.

Sam cooked a breakfast grand meal, and invited his friends and Cora over for a meal. Everyone loved the grand meal and spending time together. This is the first time Sam’s friends have met Cora. They love her!

Cora and Sam spending more time together.

Sam takes Cora out for a date at a local restaurant. They order some great food and Sam takes another pictures of his food. This is the only time he had his phone out, the rest of the night he was a gentlemen.

Sam got another promotion to Line Cook. This is the last promotion before choosing a branch.

Sam asks Cora to move in with him. She says YES!

Cora now lives with Sam in his house. They are getting more and more serious.

This achievement came up after Cora moved in. Looks like she has maxed out the photography skill. It counts it now, but the skill will eventually be done from someone in the families.

Cora and Sam go on another date to a restaurant. They order more experimental food so that Sam can build the different recipes.

Gave Cora a bit of a makeover. Didn’t want to remove too much of her look just mostly a wardrobe change.

Cora needed a career to do for now so they can improve their house. Not sure how much work she’ll put to getting promotions.

Another update to the house. Added some more furniture and decorations.

The week with Sam is over. Not much happened this week except that Cora moved in with Sam. We continued to build skills and work on promotions. Let’s look at the progress made on the requirements.

  • Reach level 10 of the culinary career – Level 5/10
  • Complete Experimental Food collection 5/20
  • Complete Masterchef Aspiration Level 2/4
  • Unlock 27 city living food stall recipes 2/27
  • Max Skills:
    • Cooking Level 6
    • Baking Level 6
    • Gourmet Cooking Level 2
    • Mixology Level 5

It’s 4am so we need to move onto the next family. Let’s see what happens with the DITFT challenge up next…

Fall 1: Week 1

<< Career Summer 1: Week 2— MySims Fall 1: Week 2 >>

Welcome to the first week of MySims Legacy Challenge with the Collector Family. Here’s a reminder of the rules for this generation.

  • Reach level 10 of the culinary career
  • Complete Experimental Food collection 0/20
  • Complete Masterchef Aspiration
  • Unlock 27 city living food stall recipes 0/27
  • Max Skils:
    • Cooking
    • Baking
    • Gourmet Cooking
    • Mixology

Sam Collector lives in Newcrest, with a house that was created by r.kellydainy and simmarysims that I found on the gallery. The lot has the traits of chef’s kitchen and Homey to help build skills.

The inside has the bare minimum that he can afford with the starting budget. It will get filled with more stuff as we make money.

Sam joins the Culinary career and heads back to bed since it’s 4am.

Sam gets up and makes a fruit salad as his first meal. After breakfast, he bakes his first breadsticks. They don’t turn out too well but he does manage to stomach them. He didn’t want to waste them even if they were poor quality.

Sam picks up a mixology skill book which he used the last of his money to purchase. He wants to be able to make drinks so he spends hours reading about mixology.

Sam heads out to a restaurant for his first meal out and to start working on the experimental food.

Sam meets some friendly staff while ordering his first meal.

Sam finds the food to look interesting and doesn’t taste too bad either.

Brought home the first photo of the food and once I put the frame on it, it changed to a different picture and won’t change back. This happens a couple time and I finally just stop adding frames to the pictures.

It’s Be Thankful Day! It’s a day to appreciate people and things in your life. Sam appreciates the nature and fruit that plants provide. He would not be able to cook food if not for what the earth provides.

Sam goes to work for the first time. He’s hoping to do a great job as an assistant dishwasher so he can move up the corporate ladder soon.

Sam invites over a coworker to get to know better. Her name is Dani Davila and she’s a very nice lady. Sam and her become friends and start to hang out at work and after. Sam knows that Dani is not a potential mate as she’s into women not men.

Sam got his first promotion to Head Dishwasher. He’s happy to move up in the restaurant.

Sam went to the city to visit a local food stall that everyone at work was saying was great. Sam had is first of many food experiences at this stall. He will have a lot more to try and learn, so he can experience many different types of food.

While out in San Myshuno, he met a women named Cora Kanine. She is a photographer taking pictures in the area. Sam and Cora began to chat and realized that they were hitting it off quickly.

The two of them began to flirt a little with each other.

Cora convinced Sam to do some karaoke at the local bar. He did a pretty good job for having no singing skill.

After singing, Cora and Sam spend time together while listening to others sing. They weren’t really paying attention to the singer, just each other. Sam asks Cora to be his girlfriend and she says Yes!

Sam and Cora continued to ignore the singer, except when Ariel came to sing. She’s got an amazing voice and her skill is always improving. Sam and Cora may not know Ariel, but we do. Glad to see her out and enjoying herself.

Sam completed the first milestone of his masterchef aspiration.

Sam gets another promotion at work, he’s now a caterer.

Cora comes by for a visit and we find out she’s a kleptomaniac, dog lover, genius and socially awkward.

Best friends and lovers, Sam and Cora. They make such a cute couple!

Friend from work, Hilary Laurent stops by for a visit. Sam and Hilary are becoming good friends.

Sam got another promotion on the last day of work for this week.

Before the week ends, Sam had enough money to add more furniture and really start to make this house look like a home.

Now the first week with Sam Collector is over and so much has happened. He met a wonderful lady, got promoted to level 4 of the culinary career, improved his house and started working on the skills he needs to become a better cook/baker (Baking level 4, Cooking level 4, Gourmet Cooking level 1, Mixology level 4).

Let’s see what happens to Sam in the next week…


Welcome to the Collector Family!

Welcome to the MySims Challenge that I’ve never tried before. Let’s take a look at the founder of this challenge…

This is Sam Collector, and he is ready to become a MasterChef. He has the traits: Foodie, Clumsy and Gloomy as required.

The challenge says “This Generation is based on the MySims, “Chef Gino” His description is “Gino’s skill in a kitchen are matched only by his sense of melodrama. The tiniest thing goes wrong and he’s “ruined”. To date, Gino has been ruined 9,685 times.”

Let’s look at the rules for the first generation after Chef Gino:

  • Master the Culinary Career
  • Complete the Master Chef Aspiration or Own a Five-Star Restaurant (you do not need to keep it after this generation is complete)
  • Attend University and receive the Culinary Arts Degree – I won’t be doing this, maybe some generations but not likely this one..
  • Max skills: Cooking and Gourmet Cooking
  • Optional Skills: Mixology and Baking
  • Complete the Experimental Food Prints Collection
  • Unlock the 27 City Living Recipes

Let’s see how Sam does at completing these tasks in Chapter 1….